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Cancellation/Late Policy
LuLu understands that sometimes life happens, but please note 48 hours is required to cancel, make changes to, or reschedule an existing appointment. Failure to give proper notice will result in being charged 50% of the services booked for the appointment.

Please note, if you must cancel due to work, and cannot give proper notice, you will be charged 50% of the services booked so please choose your appointments carefully. 

No shows will be charged in full.

If you are feeling unwell in any manner you must rebook your appointment and the 48 hours notice does not apply. If your children are sick LuLu will not charge you for cancelling with the 48 hours. Sick kids need their mom.

If you are late LuLu will try to offer the service but in the event she is only able to complete part of the service you will still be charged in full for the services you booked. If LuLu is not able to start the service due to lack of time, she will have to rebook you and you will be charged in full for the missed appointment.

Lulu can't run behind and make the next person late. 
Clients who cancel frequently cannot be re-booked since this results in significant lost revenue.

Sick Policy
If you are sick, you MUST reschedule your appointment. LuLu is a lot of fun, but this is where she gets crazy serious. Don’t even think about coming to LuLu’s if you are not 100% well. This includes coming down with something or getting over something. And do NOT come with active allergies. If LuLu gets sick she can’t work. Walk a mile in her cute shoes. Have you ever tried to rebook a week’s worth of cranky clients when you aren’t feeling well? So, repeat after me: “I will not come to LuLu’s sick or with active allergies. Please note: 48 hours notice is not required to cancel your appointment
when you are sick.  

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